James Bittner

Evident Scientific

James Bittner has worked for Evident Scientific since October 1991. Over the past 30 plus years, he has held many positions, from QA manager to product manager, among other titles.

He has supported products that are utilized in Aerospace, Defense, and several other industries requiring Eddy Current, Bond testing, and Ultrasonic inspections. He mainly specializes in eddy current and bond testing technologies. Working closely with his customers to provide training, technical, and application support. Supporting many of his customers with their applications has led to the development of new sensors and standards that are currently being used to inspect a variety of structures and components for aircraft, automotive, and space exploration vehicles.

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Resonance Testing—A More In-Depth Look at This Technology

September 17th, 2024 3:45 pm - 4:15 pm Parthenon A,B,C
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