François Mainguy

President/CEO, Pragma NDT

François Mainguy worked at R/D Tech from 1995 to 1998, as their first applied physics technician working with phased array and EMAT ultrasound technologies. He then left to eventually found HARFANG Microtechniques in August 2001. He introduced the first portable ultrasound phased array system for nondestructive evaluation, in June 2002. In 2005, he sold his company to The Sonatest Group (Milton Keynes, UK), where he spearheaded the development of next-generation instruments and probes.

In June 2008, he founded UNGAVA in Québec City, to offer design, engineering, prototyping and OEM production for industrial customers involved in instrumentation. In 2013, he started his third start-up named PRAGMA, specialized in the design, manufacturing and selling of portable instruments and systems for nondestructive testing.

Mr. Mainguy has technical training in applied physics engineering (Cégep La Pocatière), an Electrical Engineering degree from École de Technologie Supérieure (Montréal) and a specialization in microelectronics at École d’Ingénieurs du Canton de Neuchâtel (Switzerland).

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