Colin G. Drury, President of Applied Ergonomics Group, has over 400 publications on topics of quality control, aviation maintenance, security, and safety. He is a Fellow of the four professional engineering societies. He received the Bartlett Medal of the CIEHF and both the Fitts and Lauer Awards of the HFES. In 2005, he received the FAA’s Excellence in Aviation Research award, while in 2006 he was awarded the American Association of Engineering Societies’ Kenneth Andrew Roe Award. Since 1989, he led a team to reduce errors in aviation maintenance and inspection, as well as security services, as Director of the Research Institute for Safety and Security in Transportation (RISST). He has chaired and served on numerous committees for the National Academy of Sciences / National Research Council, e.g. safety of chemical weapons demilitarization, evaluating NASA’s Aviation Safety activities, visual inspection, advising on staffing models for the FAA, new technologies for aviation security and as a member of the Board on Human System Integration. He was a member of the FAA’s Research, Engineering and Development Advisory Committee (REDAC) and chaired its Human Factors Committee. He has also given testimony before the US Congress on the research programs for enhanced aviation security.
Colin Drury

President, Applied Ergonomics Group
All Presentations
Human / Automation Collaboration in Aviation NDT
September 20th, 2023
9:10 am - 9:40 am