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2023 Keynote Speaker

John Wiitala

Technical Services Vice President, United Airlines

United Airlines Technical Services Vice President John Wiitala will be this year’s keynote speaker for the A4A NDT Forum. Wiitala is responsible for leading the technical groups that support the carrier’s aircraft configurations, operations and maintenance.

Panel Highlights

Perspectives from the Chief Inspector on NDT

The perspective from the Chief Inspector on NDT” will share the views of three(3) large Part 121 Chief Inspectors on a range of topics such as: new technology applications being considered, changes expected or underway impacting NDT (e.g., workforce, compliance, SMS…), External challenges / trends in the field (MROs, OEM support), Training, experience, and qualifications, the value of NDT to an airline, the range of responsibilities for the CI and alignment w/NDT, Memorable NDT successes / challenges.

Panel Discussion - Forward Looking NDT Training Standards: ATA 105, AC 65-31B, ...
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